X-ray Crystallography Facility

The service crystallography laboratory is located in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. The X-ray Facility is used by departmental members but is also available to outside users. The service manager, Dr. Alan Lough, deals with all aspects of the service from crystal selection to publication of the results. Operating costs are recovered from users of the service.


An Xray machine (Bruker Kappa apex-duo CMOS Photon II )Equipment

The equipment available for X-ray diffraction experiments include:


The laboratory offers a wide range of sevices including:

  • Advice on crystallization of diffraction quality crystals
  • Mounting of crystals, including air, moisture and temperature sensitive samples
  • Determination of crystal system, space group and unit cell parameters
  • Accurate data collection at room or low temperature
  • Data reduction and absorption correction
  • Structure solution and refinement
  • Preparation of high quality molecular plots
  • Detailed report with tables of coordinates and molecular geometry
  • Expertise in data base searching

Some Crystallography Links

Dr. A. J. Lough, Facility Manager,
X-ray Crystallography Facility, 4th Floor
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 3H6
TEL: 416-978-6275