Supervisor Selection

Incoming students are asked to meet with four to six prospective research supervisors in order to ensure familiarity with all research opportunities within the Department.

We strongly encourage students to reach out (eg. e-mail, in person, phone or Zoom/Teams) to potential supervisors before September and to continue communication with your top choice(s). 

The first week of classes is traditionally designated Supervisor Selection Week during which incoming students finalize their selections. In the Supervisor Selection Week Timetable,it is noted that faculty prefer to meet with students by appointment.  You can contact each potential supervisor directly via email to set up a virtual meeting. 

Complete the Supervisor Selection Ballot and submit it to the Graduate Office by the deadline. Ballots will be reviewed and students will be assigned to a research group by the Graduate Studies Committee. You will be notified by e-mail of your supervisor assignment. Note that you are required to submit at least 3 potential supervisors, in order of preference. Ballots with fewer than three selections will be returned by the Graduate Studies Committee and may delay decisions. Please use the following naming convention for your document: Last Name, First Name_Supervisory Selection Ballot.

Students who do not wish additional appointments during Supervisor Selection Week are welcome to submit their ballot as early as September 1.

The School of Graduate Studies has developed a series of checklists for good supervisory practice.  Please review these practices to assist you in finding a suitable supervisor.   In addition,  chemistry graduate students have compiled a set of questions that you should ask a potential supervisor and their current group members.

Supervisor Selection Week
September 4-6 & 9-13, 2024


Faculty Member Availability 
Jonathan Abbatt Available by appointment.
Warren Chan Available by appointment.
Al-Amin Dhirani Available by appointment.
Rebecca Jockusch Available by appointment.
Kagan Kerman Available by appointment
Bernie Kraatz Available by appointment
R.J. Dwayne Miller Available by email only.
Alana Ogata Available by appointment
Hui Peng Available by appointment.
Jumi Shin Available by appointment .
Myrna Simpson Available by appointment
Ruby Sullan Available by appointment
Michael Thompson Available by appointment.
Gilbert Walker Available by appointment.
Aaron Wheeler Available by appointment.Email Assistant
Faculty Member Availability 
Rima Al-Awar Available by appointment.
Andrew Beharry Available by appointment.
Jik Chin Available by appointment.
Haissi Cui Available by appointment.
Landon Edgar Available by appointment.
Patrick T. Gunning AAvailable by appointment.
Walid Houry Available by appointment.
Voula Kanelis Available by appointment.
Kagan Kerman Available by appointment.
Ronald Kluger Available by appointment.
Bernie Kraatz Available by appointment.
David McMillen Available by appointment.
Mark Nitz Available by appointment.
Hui Peng Available by appointment.
Scott Prosser Available by appointment.
Sarah Rauscher Available by appointment.
Jumi Shin Available by appointment.
Molly Shoichet Available by appointment. Please contact Assistant
Ruby Sullan Available by appointment.
Michael Thompson Available by appointment.
Donald Weaver Available by appointment. Please contact Cheryl Weaver (
Mitchell Winnik Available by appointment.
G. Andrew Woolley Available by appointment.
Andrei Yudin Available by appointment.
Xiao-an Zhang Available by appointment.
Faculty Member Availability 
Jonathan Abbatt Available by appointment.
Arthur Chan Available by appointment.
D. James Donaldson Available by appointment.
Scott Mabury Available by appointment.
Jennifer G. Murphy Available by appointment.
Hui Peng Available by appointment.
André Simpson Available by appointment
Myrna Simpson Available by appointment
Oleksandr Voznyy Available by appointment.
Frank Wania Available by appointment
Faculty Member Availability 
Jik Chin Available by appointment.
Ulrich Fekl Available by appointment.
Patrick T. Gunning Available by appointment.Email Assistant
Maciej D. Korzyński Available by appointment.
Patrick T. Gunning Available by appointment.
Bernie Kraatz Available by appointment.
Mark Lautens Available by appointment.
Robert Morris Available by appointment.
Geoffrey Ozin Available by appointment.
Dwight Seferos Available by appointment.
Datong Song Available by appointment.
Doug Stephan Available by appointment.
Oleksandr Voznyy Available by appointment.
Xiao-an Zhang Available by appointment.
Faculty Member Availability 
Al-Amin Dhirani Available by appointment.
Molly Shoichet Available by appointment. Please contact Siewan Chan (
Gilbert Walker Available by appointment.
Faculty Member Availability 
Robert Batey Available by appointment.
Jik Chin Available by appointment.
Ulrich Fekl Available by appointment.
Ronald Kluger Available by appointment.
Mark Lautens Available by appointment.Email Chair's assistant.
Mark Nitz Available by appointment.
Scott Prosser Available by appointment.
Sophie Rousseaux Available by appointment.
Dwight Seferos Available by appointment.
Datong Song Available by appointment.
Ruby Sullan Available by appointment.
Mark Taylor Available by appointment.
Donald Weaver Available by appointment. Please contact Cheryl Weaver (
Mitchell Winnik Available by appointment.
Andrei Yudin Available by appointment.
Xiao-an Zhang Available by appointment.
Faculty Member Availability 
Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Theoretical) Available by appointment. Please contact Aspuru-Guzik Assistant.
Jonathan Abbatt Available by appointment.
Paul Brumer (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Al-Amin Dhirani Available by appointment.
D. James Donaldson Available by appointment.
M. Cynthia Goh Available by appointment.
Rebecca Jockusch Available by appointment.
Voula Kanelis Available by appointment.
Raymond Kapral (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Eugenia Kumacheva Available by appointment.
Artur Izmaylov (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Xiang Li Available by appointment.
David McMillen Available by appointment.
R.J. Dwayne Miller Available by email only.
Geoffrey Ozin Available by appointment.
Scott Prosser Available by appointment.
Sarah Rauscher (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Jeremy Schofield (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Dvira Segal (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Ruby Sullan Available by appointment.
Anatole von Lilienfeld (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Oleksandr Voznyy (Theoretical) Available by appointment.
Gilbert Walker Available by appointment.
Mark Wilson Contact via email to make appointment.
Faculty Member Availability 
Tim Bender Available by appointment.
Warren Chan Available by appointment.
Al-Amin Dhirani (Materials) Available by appointment.
M. Cynthia Goh (Materials) Available by appointment.
Jane Howe Available by appointment.
Maciej D. Korzyński (Materials) Available by appointment.
Eugenia Kumacheva Available by appointment.
Geoffrey Ozin (Materials) Available by appointment.
Dwight Seferos Available by appointment.
Molly Shoichet Available by appointment. Please contact Siewan Chan (
Datong Song (Materials) Available by appointment.
Mark Taylor Available by appointment.
Helen Tran Available by appointment
Oleksandr Voznyy (Materials) Available by appointment.
Gilbert Walker (Materials) Available by appointment.
Mark Wilson (Materials) Available by appointment.
Mitchell Winnik Available by appointment.