According to various environmental legislation, it is illegal to dispose of any chemical down the drain or in the garbage. The Department and University provide convenient and free disposal mechanisms. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone found violating disposal procedures.
Every Friday a Chemical Supplies & Services Technician is in room 705 to receive lab generated waste from 1:30p.m. to 2:30p.m. You must take the freight elevator to the 7th floor.
DO NOT MIX CHEMICALS THAT ARE INCOMPATIBLE (i.e. acids and bases, oxidizers and reducers, flammables and toxics, flammables and oxidizers)
All waste from your labs must be properly labeled and placed in correct waste containers. Labels must show chemical names, not formulas or structures. A waste label is not required if the chemical is in its original container. For more detailed information on hazardous waste disposal, please consult the "Laboratory Hazardous Waste Management Manual" published by the office of Environmental Health & Safety.
Segregation Of Wastes
Flammable Waste
Put in red waste cans that are available on an exchange basis from room 705 during waste disposal hours. If you need more containers, contact Chemical Supplies & Services in room 20.
Do not put acid or chlorinated waste in these containers.
Acid Waste
Put in glass bottles available from Chemical Supplies & Services in room 20.
Chlorinated Waste
Put in glass bottles or chlorinated waste containers available from Chemical Supplies & Services in room 20.
Solid Waste
Wide mouth jars are available for solids from Chemical Supplies & Services in room 20.
Cyanide Waste
Before disposal, destroy using a ferrous sulphate solution. For more details and written procedures see the ChemStore Manager in Room 20. The resulting solution must be taken in a glass bottle to Room 705 for proper disposal.
Sharps Waste
All sharps (i.e. broken glassware) must be decontaminated and placed in "sharps" containers supplied by Caretaking. Do not overfill the sharps containers, use a lid to safely close the container. Caretaking staff will dispose of the full containers.
Needles and Blades
All needles and blades must be placed in a puncture proof container, available in room 20. When they are filled, place them in the SHARPS CONTAINER.
Regular Waste
Do not contaminate domestic waste with chemical or sharps waste. This may cause injury to the Caretaking staff handling the domestic waste. Likewise do not contaminate chemical or sharps waste with domestic waste.
Radioisotope Waste
Radioactive waste is handled exclusively by Environmental Health & Safety. Call 978-2050 to arrange removal and disposal.
- Do go to room 705 to dispose of chemical waste.
- Do dispose of needles and blades in a puncture proof container.
- Do not mix chemicals that are incompatible.
- Do not contaminate domestic waste with chemical or sharps waste.