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192 Articles Found

Side by side headshots of two female-bodied chemistry students.
An Asian man with crossed arms stands outside in front of some trees.
Side by side head shots of student Rachel Mander & Prof. Maciej Korzynski
Head shot of Professor Dwayne Miller
Balloons spelling 10 and the WICTO logo; underneath, text reads Celebrating 10 Years.
Head shot of Professor Helen Tran of the Department of Chemistry.
Side by side headshots of Professors Rob Batey and Walid Houry.
Side by side headshots of two Chemistry students, Owen Vander Muelen and Camille Tsang
Chemistry student Maria Gendron, a brown woman with sleek hair pulled back from her face, sits a dinner table.
Side by side headshots of Dr. Nimrat Obhi and Dr. Jonathon Moir of Beyond Benign
