Department offers in-person "Catch Up Camps" for undergraduates

August 12, 2021 by Dan Haves

The Department of Chemistry is currently running three weeks of "Catch up Camps" for undergraduate students who are returning to campus. In each week-long Camp, students have the opportunity to apply their working knowledge and understanding to real-life reactions, and observe theory come to life.

"There was great interest for these types of Camps this winter from students who weren't able to undertake any in-person practical work last year," says Andy Dicks, Professor, Teaching Stream and Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies in the department.

"During each Camp, students are getting 15 to 20 hours of laboratory time at no cost to them, which will help develop their skills and - very importantly - their confidence, as they transition to (hopefully) more in-person activities this year!"

Over the course of each week in the Camp, students complete five different experiments. The first two days focus on experiments within the field of inorganic chemistry, followed by two days of organic chemistry experiments and finishing with an analytical chemistry laboratory. The Camps are generously being funded by the Dean's office in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
