Security Steps

The Top Ten Steps to maintain a secure Chemistry Department:

  1. Ensure that all exterior doors are locked when you enter and leave the building after hours. Do not leave a door propped open. If you find one, close it.
  2. Report all unlocked doors or faulting locking mechanisms to the U of T police after hours, (416-978-2323).
  3. Do not let anyone in the building with you after hours that you don't recognize as working in chemistry.
  4. Report any suspicious looking/acting individuals roaming the building to me, or directly to the U of T police.
  5. Whenever possible, lock the door to your lab, group room, or office when you leave. If your door is equipped with a dead bolt, engage it using the door key when you leave.
  6. Do not leave valuables, including laptops, lying around on your desk or lab bench. Keep them out of sight. Lock them away before you leave.
  7. Keep a record of serial numbers for computers and other valuable electronic equipment.
  8. Make sure your data is backed up elsewhere.
  9. Immediately report ALL lost or stolen door keys to the Business Office in LM 154.
  10. Do not under any circumstances lend your door keys to anyone, even for a short period of time.