How to Apply

This page refers to NSERC USRA and OSOTF Scholarships only. For all others, please go to their respective pages.

These research opportunities are geared to students in their 2nd and 3rd year of undergraduate studies in one of the Chemistry specialists or related programs. Female undergraduate students are strongly encouraged to apply. Outstanding-year students may be considered but only for OSOTF Scholarships.  

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) 


  • minimum ‘B’ average; first-year students are excluded from this competition due to the challenges in confirming eligible cumulative averages before the awards are taken up;
  • registered as a full-time student in the natural sciences, and
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada


The application package must include the following documents and be used for only NSERC USRA.  

  • Application Form.  Please click on the appropriate application below to complete the application form and submit your documents.
  • Résumé
  • A cover letter summarizing your academic achievements, special research interests, etc.
  • Unofficial copy of your transcript of records downloaded or printed from the web. UofT students may download a copy from ROSI/ACORN. Make sure that you select to print a copy with your name on it. Only selected students will be required to submit an official transcript

Internal Application - Application for current University of Toronto students

External Application - Application for current students at other Universities


We will start accepting applications on December 1, 2024, at 8:00 am.  The applications are due no later than January 31, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. No application will be accepted after that date. 


Submit only documents that are listed above. An incomplete or incorrectly completed application may be rejected. A research supervisor is NOT required when applying. Students selected for the NSERC USRA will be further provided with information on how to complete NSERC Form 202-Part I on the NSERC website. 

OSOTF Scholarships


  • minimum ‘B’ average;
  • registered to be receiving financial assistance like OSAP; 
  • registered as a UofT full-time student in the natural sciences, and
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.


The application package must include the following documents and be used only for OSOTF.  

  • Application Form. Please click on the appropriate application below to complete the application form and submit your documents.
  • Résumé
  • A cover letter summarizing your academic achievements, special research interests, etc.
  • Unofficial copy of your transcript of records downloaded or printed from the web. UofT students may download a copy from ROSI/ACORN. Make sure that you select to print a copy with your name on it. Only selected students will be required to submit an official transcript.

OSOTF Application form - Application for OSOTF Awards 


We will start accepting applications on December 1, 2024, at 8:00 am.  The applications are due no later than January 31, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. No application will be accepted after that date. 


Students will be notified of the result of their application by mid-February of the current year. Only successful students will be asked to approach potential supervisors to discuss summer projects. A list of faculty members participating in the summer research will be provided at that time.  An OSOTF scholarship may be the appropriate award for a successful student who can demonstrate financial need (see eligibility under OSOTF scholarships).