
Three white adults holding prize certificates. There are two men flanking a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair.
People gather on the UofT front campus with the CN Tower in the background.
Cartoon image advertising 2024 Science Rendezvous
Poster for science rendevous, with various cartoon science images
An orange, white and green poster advertising the Chemistry Department art contest
A banner containing the chemistry department logo, the Defy Gravity Sigil, and a graphic containing the words Register Now.
Two female students stand next to each other in front of a Global Women's Breakfast banner, holding signs reading Proud to Be A Chemist, Committed to Inspire Inclusion.
A series of stainless steel meal tins grouped on a table around a small holiday tree.
A white terrier ringed by young people faces the camera.
Prof. Jik Chin meets and speaks with Undergraduate Students at the event.
