Our Alumni

Side by side head shots of Professors Luska and Morra of the Department of Chemistry
A group of 17 well-dressed adults clusters together, smiling at the camera.
Three men standing together, two in suits, smiling at the camera.
Close up portrait of a woman with dark eyes and long, dark, straight hair.
A group of ten people aged in their mid-twenties, some sitting and some standing. They are dressed in business casual attire, gathered in a group and smiling at the camera.
Photo of Nabanita Nawar (left) and Pimyupa Manaswiyoungkul (right) inside their lab
Cartoon photo: Someone looking at an Excel graph on the computer. The speech bubble says "Oh that's how you use Excel"
Photo of Professor Mario Ostrowsk (left) and Assistant Professors Haissi Cui (middle) and Landon Edgar (right)
Photo of Mercury Passive Air Sampler (MerPAS) in a forest
An image
