Congratulations to Chemistry's November 2024 Graduates!

October 28, 2024 by Alyx Dellamonica

The University of Toronto awarded graduate degrees in chemistry on October 28th to 30 students at Convocation Hall on the St. George campus.

Ten MSc and 20 PhD students received their degrees at the Convocation ceremony. Afterward, graduates gathered in the Lash Miller Building’s Davenport Hall with their loved ones and supporters to celebrate, take photos, say some farewells and discuss future plans.

A group of well-dressed adults clusters together, smiling at the camera.
Clockwise from upper left: Joaquin Chu, Nicholas Alonzi, Nathan Wu, Zhengkun Chen, Alina Trofimova, Geordon Frere, Julia Turner, Rui Fu, Edmond Chan, Shrey Desai, Yu Ju Kim, Jon Bajohr, Yingshan Ma, Jie Yu, Sidrah Rana, Matthew Davis.

The Department of Chemistry's  Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Mark Taylor, addressed the assembly, welcoming the guests, parents, partners, family, friends and research advisors who had come to celebrate the success of  celebrating the graduands' success.

"Speaking on behalf of the faculty here, it has been a pleasure and an honour to guide you in your research and professional development," he said.

"Chemistry is not just about the scientific and technological advances we make, but it’s also about the people. As graduate students you form the heart of our groups and you have made lasting contributions to our understanding of chemistry."

Taylor added that the incredible research carried about by U of T graduate students is what has cemented our status as a world class chemistry department – and as the top Chemistry Department in Canada

The Department of Chemistry proudly acknowledges the remarkable accomplishments symbolized by these completed degrees and encourages all our graduates to remain engaged as they embark on new challenges and explore opportunities beyond academia. 

Taylor concluded his remarks with a quote from Max Planck: “Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: “ye must have faith."

He concluded: "For those of you who are receiving PhD degrees this year, and whose graduate studies were severely impacted by the pandemic, I’m sure that this quote will ring true. Beyond the technical skills and the knowledge that you gained, I hope that each of you has built a new level of faith in yourselves during your time here – faith in your ability to overcome adversity and to accomplish something extraordinary in your personal and professional lives. " 

For a complete list of students who completed an MSc or PhD at Chemistry during the 2023-24 Academic Year, please visit the Graduate Student Alumni section of the Chemistry website. The entire department extends its warmest congratulations to all our graduates!
