
Browse News

20 Articles Found

Painting of a white man next to the sign for the John Polanyi Research Wing
Side by side head shots of two graduate students, Sasha Woolcott and Kimia Hosseini.
Head shot of chemistry student Alex Gabbey, a white woman with shoulder-length blonde hair.
Chemistry student Devika Gopakumar smiles at the viewer from a boat, with green mountains behind her.
Head shots of Phil Samokhin and Julie Dang
Head shot of Professor Aya Sakaya, a white woman with shoulder-length blonde hair.
Student poster session 2024
A blonde woman in a striped dress stands in front of a classical garden and long artificial pool.
A white woman with shoulder-length golden-brown hair smiles at the camera.
A group of 17 well-dressed adults clusters together, smiling at the camera.
